Summer of HipHop Logo




Buddha Stretch

Samantha Mavinga

Nicklas Milling
Sydney Amoo

Kimbo Tran
Aaron Amoatey


DJ Sumthinjay
Sydney Amoo
Don Hoang
Georg Wondrak

Belle Lauterbach




Introducing the legendary Buddha Stretch for this year's "Summer of HipHop 2024"! Hailing from the heart of the hip-hop scene, Buddha Stretch joins us as a coach for "HipHop Foundations" and as a judge for our highly anticipated 1vs1 HipHop Battles on Friday evening, July 5th.

With a rich history in hip-hop culture and dance, Buddha Stretch brings unparalleled expertise and passion to our event. As a pioneer of the art form, he has shaped and influenced the hip-hop community worldwide. 

Join us in welcoming Buddha Stretch as he shares his knowledge, skills, and infectious energy with dancers of all levels. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from a true icon of the hip-hop world and to witness his invaluable contributions to our battles.

Poster of Nicklas Milling from Copenhagen



Excitement builds as we reveal our second instructor for the Summer of HipHop 2024: Nicklas Milling, a dynamic dancer and trainer hailing from Denmark. Words can hardly capture the essence of his dance and style—experience it firsthand by exploring his Instagram profile. Nicklas injects a unique flair into the HipHop scene, promising to elevate our Summer of HipHop to extraordinary heights. Dive into the groove with us!

Poster of Nicklas Milling from Copenhagen



We are thrilled to finally announce the first guest for SUMMER OF HIPHOP 2024: Samantha Mavinga, living in Belgium with Congolese roots, stands among the most successful dancers in Europe. Through her exceptional dedication and passion, she has secured a prominent place in the House Dance scene. Mavinga has garnered numerous awards in renowned competitions, including "House Dance Forever," "Hip Hop International," and "World of Dance" across various countries. Her skills have been acknowledged through collaborations with icons like Timbaland, along with performances at the BRIT Awards and MTV EMAs. Her dance style imparts a unique rhythm and expressiveness to her art. We take pride in welcoming Samantha Mavinga in 2024. She will not only share her expertise in workshops but also serve as a judge for the House Battles on July 6, 2024.

Be part of this live experience to witness the talent of this dance icon!

Poster HipHop Workshop Munich with Mavinga from Belgium



Introducing the incredible Sydney Amoo for this year's edition! Originally from Germany and currently residing in Graz for the past three years, the 24-year-old dancer, also known as Lil Syd, has an innate connection to rhythm and dance. Despite his father owning a dance school, Sydney's childhood dream was to play football.

In Graz, he works as a dance teacher, sharing his passion for dance with both children and adults. For Sydney, the key elements in teaching are fun and patience. His philosophy is clear: "Many dance students want to improve quickly, but you should simply enjoy dancing."

Lil Syd, renowned for his street dance style, triumphed at the Red Bull Dance Your Style event in Vienna, earning him a spot in the World Final. With energetic moves and a passionate performance, he captivated the audience at the historic Arkadenhof of the University of Vienna, despite facing nervousness and an ankle injury. Securing his place in the World Final, Lil Syd's victory in the one-on-one dance battles, witnessed by 1,000 spectators, highlighted his exceptional skill and joyous approach to dance.

Reflecting on his unexpected triumph, Lil Syd shared, "It's an indescribable feeling to be celebrated as the winner by the crowd at Red Bull Dance Your Style!" His victory not only marked a personal achievement but also secured his participation in the Red Bull Dance Your Style World Final scheduled for 2023 in Frankfurt.

Poster HipHop Workshop Munich with Mavinga from Belgium



Kimbo Tran from Munich is one of the founders of the internationally known RIDDIM DANCESCHOOL. Twenty years ago, he began his career as a choreographer and stage dancer, collaborating with well-known brands and artists such as Monrose, Popstars, Pro7's Schlag den Raab, Bravo Super Show, Bosch, Porsche, Coca Cola, and McDonald's. His talent and expertise have earned him numerous titles and achievements. With his group "Nexotic," he introduced a new era of dance in the southern German region. Today, he is no longer just on stage but also produces and choreographs music and dance videos for many other artists.

Due to his extensive experience and achievements, Kimbo Tran is among the most experienced choreographers in Germany. As a pioneer, Kimbo serves as a role model for many present-day trainers and dancers.

Poster HipHop Workshop Munich with Mavinga from Belgium



Aaron is a well-established figure in the Munich choreography scene. Artists like Shirin David, Sarah Connor, and Adel Tawil trust his talent and experience for their music videos and stage shows. He has choreographed many stage performances and worked with dancers in numerous music videos. Aaron taught with great success at our camp last year, and we are thrilled that he has agreed to join us again for the Munich HipHop Camp 2024 to share his expertise with you.

Poster HipHop Workshop Munich with Mavinga from Belgium


The dance studio is located in the centre of Munich.

+49 89 44313886










KAT LAWRAY - Ekaterina Damm

The first dancer, who heard about our plan of inviting BUDDHA STRETCH as a judge, had the best comment:
"It is an hour being judged by this ledgend"

KAT LAWRAY - Ekaterina Damm

Being one of the few world´s finalists of the RedBull Battles, The Clow aka. Lil Syd is back!

Winning at Summer of HipHop Battles earns an exclusive judging invite next year. Thrilled to announce Henry, aka Kid Lawray from Lawrays Dance in Nuremberg/Fürth, joining our judges panel. Since 2012, he's danced, started with Streetdance battles, leading to theater, modeling, and competitions. Henry shares experiences with students, nurturing future dancers.

KAT LAWRAY - Ekaterina Damm

SAMANTHA MAVINGA, a Belgian native with Congolese roots, stands as one of Europe's foremost house dancers and commands immense respect as an international judge in the dance scene.

KAT LAWRAY - Ekaterina Damm

KAT LAWRAY, also known as Ekaterina Damm from LAWRAYS DANCE, FÜRTH, emerged victorious in last year's House Battle Edition of Summer of HipHop. As a result, she has qualified to serve as a judge for the House Battles 2024.

No more words needed for this man :)

Our battle DJ

DJ Sumthinjay
Graz, Austria

We're pleased to share that for our Hip-Hop & House Battles on Friday and Saturday, we've invited the talented dancer and DJ Jay from Graz. You might recognize him from last year's BIGGER THAN HIPHOP Battle and SUMMER OF HIPHOP.

Following the event, he will treat us to the finest Hip-Hop beats at our Aftershow Parties. We're delighted to have him with us again this year!

HipHop & House Battle DJ Sumthinjay from Graz


14. Januar 2025
In der urbanen Tanzszene hat sich Jakob Göslbauer, bekannt als DJ Sumthinjay, längst einen Namen gemacht. Was einst als Leidenschaft für das Auflegen begann, ist heute eine Karriere als Battle-DJ, der nicht mehr aus der süddeutschen und österreichischen Tanzlandschaft wegzudenken ist. Nach seinem Auftritt bei den Summer of HipHop Battles 2023 hat sich Jay auch 2024 und darüber hinaus als feste Größe etabliert. Im Jahr 2024 setzte Jay seinen Erfolgskurs fort und war erneut Teil hochkarätiger Tanz-Battles. Sowohl bei den House als auch den Hip-Hop-Battles des Summer of HipHop in München lieferte er wieder eine tolle Performance. Dabei zog er mit seinem feinen Gespür für die Stimmung im Raum und seinem sicheren Händchen für die richtigen Beats Tänzer und Publikum gleichermaßen in seinen Bann. Auch Buddha Stretch aus New York und sein Interviewpartner Georg Wodrak lobten Jay im Q&A für seine musikalische Gestaltung – ein weiterer Beleg für seine Expertise und seinen Status in der Szene. Neben dem Summer of HipHop war Jay 2024 auch auf vielen weiteren Events als Battle DJ im Einsatz: Circus Cypher Vol. I (Graz, Österreich) – ein internationales Urban Dance Battle, bei dem er zusammen mit Jacksy aus Slowenien die Musik für Tänzer aus aller Welt bereitstellte. Battle Zone 022 (Rosenheim) – ein weiteres Event, das durch seine musikalische Gestaltung besonders hervorstach. Back2Unit (Ingolstadt) – eines der spannendsten All-Style-Battles, bei dem Sumthinjay die Teilnehmer mit seinen Beats antrieb. TAF Deutschland Cup HipHop 2024 (Bad Neustadt) – Hier legte er bei den All-Style-Battles auf und begeisterte nicht nur Tänzer, sondern auch Organisatoren und Zuschauer.
13. Januar 2025
Lil'Syd, ein außergewöhnlicher Tänzer und Performer, hat beim "SUMMER OF HIPHOP 2024" sein Debüt als Host der House Battles gegeben – und das mit großem Erfolg. Mit seiner humorvollen, lässigen und dennoch respektvollen Art verlieh er den Battles eine völlig neue Atmosphäre, die von Teilnehmer*innen und Publikum gleichermaßen gefeiert wurde. Seine Moderation brachte frischen Wind in die Veranstaltung und hob die Energie des Events auf ein neues Level.  Aufgrund des überragenden Feedbacks wird Sydney beim "SUMMER OF HIPHOP 2025" nicht nur die House Battles, sondern auch die Hip-Hop Battles moderieren. Diese Entscheidung spiegelt sein Talent wider, nicht nur als Tänzer, sondern auch als charismatische Persönlichkeit auf der Bühne.
2. Januar 2025
Mit seinem tiefen Verständnis für die Tanzkultur und seiner langjährigen Erfahrung in der internationalen Szene war er die ideale Wahl für diese Aufgabe.
1. Januar 2025
Das KULT SUMMER OF HIPHOP Festival in München ist in kurzer Zeit zu einem der festen Größen der urbanen Tanzszene in Süddeutschland geworden. Ins Leben gerufen wurde es 2022 von den Hip-Hop-Trainern Annabelle "Belle" Lauterbach und Kevin Braun , die seit mehr als 15 Jahren gemeinsam in der Tanzszene aktiv sind. Ihr Ziel ist es, die Verbindung zwischen der urbanen Tanzszene, Tanzschulen und Tanzverbänden zu stärken und so eine Plattform für aufstrebende Talente zu schaffen. Ein starkes Team hinter den Kulissen Belle übernimmt die komplette Organisation des Festivals und trägt die Hauptverantwortung für den reibungslosen Ablauf der Veranstaltung. Ihr Aufgabenbereich umfasst die Koordination der Künstler, die Finanzplanung, die Erstellung der Stundenpläne, die Organisation der Workshops und die Betreuung der Battles. Ihr organisatorisches Talent und ihre langjährige Erfahrung in der Tanzszene haben das Summer of HipHop zu einer beliebten Veranstaltung gemacht, die stetig wächst. Kevin, ein erfahrener Tänzer, Choreograf und Tanzlehrer, sorgt im Hintergrund für die technische Umsetzung, Social Media und die mediale Präsenz des Festivals. Seine Fachkenntnisse in der Tänzer-Community und seine Erfahrungen als Wertungsrichter bei internationalen Wettkämpfen tragen dazu bei, das Event professionell in Szene zu setzen. Gemeinsam bilden Annabelle und Kevin ein eingespieltes Team, das sich hervorragend ergänzt.
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